About Mobile Skin Screening
At Mobile Skin Screening in Phoenix, Arizona where we provide industry-leading dermatological services that include full body skin cancer exams, skin biopsies, skin tag removal, wart treatment, seborrheic keratosis removal, DPN treatment just to name a few of our services. Mobile Skin Screening does not accept insurance which allows our prices to be affordable and upfront. We've eliminated the guessing game and frustration of what services and treatments insurance will cover. With Mobile Skin Screening you know upfront how much dermatological services will cost.
With Mobile Skin Screening you can avoid long wait times to get a dermatology appointment which results in better patient outcomes, reduced costs and patient satisfaction. Same day appointments are usually available. To make it more convenient, we offer evening and weekend appointments to make it easier to be seen. Since we don’t have time constraints on seeing a certain number of patients per hour, we can take our time in being thorough with your skin exam and do treatments during your appointment time. We also spend time educating you on reducing skin cancer risks and general skin care. The best part of our services is that we come to you!
Mobile Skin Screening also offers corporate skin cancer screenings at a reduced rate! Skin cancer screenings are one of the most requested screenings employees request. Employees enjoy the convenience of having a skin cancer screening at their workplace which allows them to avoid taking time off from work. Both employers and employees benefit from corporate skin cancer screenings through early skin cancer detection which reduces overall costs, allows for cheaper non-surgical treatment options and fewer days off from work.
Our five-star-rated mobile skin cancer exam allows patients to save money, as well as time. Mobile Skin Screening offers solutions for many different types of skin problems, ranging from melanoma to skin tags and everything in between. The first step is a dermatology skin exam in your home.
We’re proud of the reputation we’ve built, and that we are recognized as one of the best providers in the area when it comes to dermatological services. Your health and peace of mind are our top priorities – we invite you to contact us directly to learn more about how a skin cancer exam can benefit you.

Avoid long wait times to see a dermatology provider (depending on your
health insurance, it can take 3 to 9 months to be seen by a dermatology
Mobile Skin Screening Common Questions

About Angela Quinn, Owner and Nurse Practitioner
Angela Quinn is a nationally board-certified nurse practitioner, and owner of Mobile Skin Screening. She has been a general dermatology nurse practitioner since 2012.
Angela has provided vital treatments for patients with a wide range of skin concerns, from a full body skin exam check to skin tag removals and more. She is fully aware that each patient has unique needs, and therefore requires a unique treatment. Angela also understands the special treatments needed for skin of color.
Angela’s top priority is and always has been to deliver exemplary patient care, from the initial full body skin exam to the final checkup after skin cancer treatment. She ensures complete comfort and care for every patient, while delivering vital skin exams and treatments to save lives.
Your Nurse Practitioner
Angela Quinn, NP-C, is a nationally certified nurse practitioner who has specialized in dermatology since 2012. She earned her master’s degree in nursing from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee in December 2011. After earning her degree, Angela began her NP career training under a board certified dermatologist and Mohs surgeon in which she eventually working in his second dermatology office. As a dermatology NP, Angela has treated underserved populations, active duty military personnel, veterans, their dependents, and corporate employees. She has worked in a variety of settings to include private practices, a military hospital, a hospital clinic, independent senior living communities, private homes, work places, and health fairs. Angela has also worked as a traveling dermatology NP in North Dakota, Washington and New Mexico which has given her the opportunity to care for diverse populations.

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, doesn’t it deserve the time and attention to do a thorough examination of it?
Angela Quinn has been the recipient of many impressive awards over the duration of her studies and career. Such honors include the Nightingale Award for MSN Students, the Valere Potter Scholarship, the Inez Bramley Scholarship, and the Albert C. Yates Fellowship. She was also placed on the President’s Honor List for her academic excellence, awarded the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, and a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
Ms. Quinn served honorably in the United States Air Force and was stationed both stateside and overseas. While on active duty, Ms. Quinn was awarded the National Defense Medal, the Air Force Achievement Medal, and the Air Force Good Conduct Medal. Ms. Quinn also served in the United States Air Force Reserves as a medical technician in which she provided care to active duty and military veterans. While in the U.S. Air Force Reserves, Angela got her first exposure to the medical field and discovered dermatology is her true passion.
The mission of Mobile Skin Screening LLC is to provide care that is thorough, not rushed, and doesn’t put your personal health information at risk for being stolen. Savings are accomplished by not using 3rd party health insurances which drastically inflate health care costs. Mobile Skin Screening LLC rates are affordable and are usually the same amount or less than a specialty copay.
Angela created Mobile Skin Screening LLC to provide skin cancer screenings that were thorough, affordable, comfortable and without time constraints in the privacy of your own home. Other dermatological services that are normally not covered by insurance, such as skin tag removal, can be treated affordably in the privacy of your own home as well.
Mobile Skin Screening does not use an electronic health record (EHR) system. The advantages of not using an EHR are the elimination of unauthorized access to health information used in identity theft, data breaches and ransomware. Unlike practices that accept health insurance, Mobile Skin Screening will never ask patients for their social security number or to store their sensitive information in an online platform. MSS uses a one page handwritten document to record examination findings which will be discussed and given to the patient. Patients using their health savings account can submit the document for reimbursement. Mobile Skin Screening will normally keep a copy of the examination document and write more detailed notes regarding the encounter if needed for future reference. Occasionally, patients request provider notes of their Mobile Skin Screening encounter to be given to another provider, hospital, employer, insurance company, etc. These entities want more information of the encounter in a particular format that is time consuming to write. Please note if you request encounter notes from Mobile Skin Screening you will be charged a $65 minimum documentation fee.