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Exploring the Truth About Skin tag Contagiousness
April 1, 2024
What You Need to Know About Skin Tag Regrowth
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Exploring the Truth About Skin tag Contagiousness
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What You Need to Know About Skin Tag Regrowth
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Addressing Concerns About Skin Tags and Cancer

Skin Tags are not cancerous. However, cancerous growth may sometimes look like skin tags. Skin cancer grows while skin tags stay small. Sometimes different tumors may also look like an infected tag.

What are Skin Tags?

A skin tag is a small, soft, and harmless growth that looks like a tiny piece of hanging skin. Its growth depends on age, excessive weight, and genetics. It often grows on areas where skin rubs against skin, jewelry, or cloth, i.e. neck, armpit, or eyelid. They are usually between 1 to 5 millimetres in size but in some rare cases, they can grow 1 to 2 centimetres in size. They are the same color as your skin and can become red if irritated. They are painless until friction or irritation causes bleeding or discomfort. 

Should You Get Skin Tag Removal?

Skin Tags rarely cause any health issues. But if someone has it on their eyelid they might consider getting a Skin Tags Treatment in Phoenix, Arizona. People usually remove skin tags due to the irritation of them getting caught in jewelry or rubbing against their skin and causing pain. 

If a doctor is suspicious of skin cancer they also advise getting it removed. 

Can Skin Tags Be Cancerous?

No, Skin Tags are not cancerous. They are made of normal skin tissues and don’t cause any health issues. But in some rare cases, skin cancer might be growing in the form of a skin tag. 

It is essential to keep an eye on any changes, like growing too fast, changing color or texture, bleeding, or causing pain. If you notice any signs or symptoms then consult your dermatologist as soon as you can. 


Doctors can usually diagnose skin tags through a simple examination. However, if there is uncertainty about the cause of the growth, they may perform a biopsy, collecting a small sample for microscopic examination. This helps determine the exact cause. 

There are no specific radiographic tests or laboratories for diagnosing skin tags, so doctors can also perform other tests to identify potential causes or associated conditions, such as diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

Options Of Skin Tag Removal?

There are many methods of removing skin tags which depend on factors like personal preference, advice of a doctor, size and location of the tag, etc. Some common options are:

Excisional Surgery

In this method, the doctor cuts the tag off using a scalpel or surgical scissors. This process is performed under local anesthesia to minimize the discomfort. 


In this process, skin specialists use liquid nitrogen to freeze the tag and it falls off over time. This process is quick and painless but may require more than one session for complete removal. 

Mobile Dermatology Services:

If you are looking for an option where you don’t need an in-person appointment you can use the Mobile Dermatology services.

for removal. Professionals will give you advice through virtual consultations and home visits.


Electrosurgery includes the use of high electric-frequency current to burn off the skin tag. This process also requires local anesthesia to reduce the pain. 


In Ligation the skin tag is tied off from the base with surgical thread or dental floss which cuts off the blood supply and over some time it falls off. 

Over-The-Counter Treatment

There are many over-the-counter products that you can use, i.e. creams, ointments, and other solutions designed to dissolve or freeze the tag off the skin. 

If you decide to select the process of Mobile dermatology services, feel free to visit us for the Mobile Skin Screening.

How to prevent Skin Tags?

To avoid having skin tags make sure to maintain a healthy weight by a balanced diet and doing exercise daily. This will reduce friction and skin rubbing. Avoid wearing tight clothes as well so that your skin doesn’t get irritated. 

If you like to put on jewellery then avoid those which rub against your skin and can cause skin tags. 

In this article, we covered what skin Tags are and how you can determine if that is skin cancer or just a regular piece of hanging skin. Feel free to check our options for Mobile dermatology and other services at Mobile Skin Screening in Phoenix, AZ. If you are worried about a skin tag or any skin issue and want to get an expert’s opinion as soon as possible then Contact us 


Q: Can a Skin Tag be a Tumer?

A: If the Skin Tag is getting big, bleeding, and causing pain then it is advised to get it checked by a professional.

Q: What causes Skin Tags?

A: Rubbing anything against your skin, a genetic problem, or increasing in weight can be the cause of skin tag. 

Q: What is the average size of a Skin Tag?

A: On average, they are between 1 to 5 millimeters in size but sometimes they can grow 1 to 2 centimeters in size.

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