Mobile Skin Screening does not use an electronic health record (EHR) system. The advantages of not using an EHR are the elimination of unauthorized access to health information used in identity theft, data breaches and ransomware. Unlike practices that accept health insurance, Mobile Skin Screening will never ask patients for their social security number or to store their sensitive information in an online platform. MSS uses a one page handwritten document to record examination findings which will be discussed and given to the patient. Patients using their health savings account can submit the document for reimbursement. Mobile Skin Screening will normally keep a copy of the examination document and write more detailed notes regarding the encounter if needed for future reference. Occasionally, patients request provider notes of their Mobile Skin Screening encounter to be given to another provider, hospital, employer, insurance company, etc. These entities want more information of the encounter in a particular format that is time consuming to write. Please note if you request encounter notes from Mobile Skin Screening you will be charged a $65 minimum documentation fee.
Mobile Skin Screening's Most Frequent Questions And Answers
It depends on where you live and your proximity to the Phoenix/Glendale area. If travel time is 30 minutes or less, a full body skin exam is under $100. If you live farther out in the surrounding areas, it will cost a little more (usually an additional $5 to $15).
Yes. Since insurance isn’t accepted, there are no time restraints so any biopsies or treatments can be done the same day.
A biopsy usually costs around $150 but prices may vary dependent upon the size and location of the lesion. Please note there are two costs associated with doing a biopsy which include 1) the cost of the nurse practitioner to remove the lesion and bandage the area; and 2) the costs of the dermatopathologist to prepare the specimen to look under the microscope and give a diagnosis. The dermatopathologist will bill you separately.
Usually less than a week.
A small, clean, private space that allows for good lighting (natural or overhead lighting, or an electrical outlet that allows an exam light to be plugged in if needed).
Local anesthesia is used so the only pain you will feel is just a small needle stick.
Yes. I will either give you a written prescription or call the prescription into your pharmacy for any needed dermatology related medications.