Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) removal
in the comfort of your own home!
Mobile skin screening offers Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) removal in the comfort of your home. Book an appointment today to get rid of DPN. I am a licensed nurse practitioner providing mobile dermatology services in Phoenix.

What is Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)?
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) is a benign skin condition characterized by small, dark bumps that typically appear on the face, particularly on the cheeks and around the eyes. These bumps are usually brown to black and have a smooth or slightly rough surface. DPN is more commonly seen in individuals with a darker skin tone, particularly those of African or Asian descent. DPN removal is a viable option for flawless skin and to prevent irritation. We can remove your dermatosis papulosa nigra in the comfort of your home.
What are the reasons for Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) ?
Sunlight exposure: There could be many reasons for DPN, but the exact cause is unclear. However, multiple researches show a direct relationship between DPN and UV exposure.
This is because DPN bumps appear on areas that are highly visible to sun exposure, such as the neck, head, and upper stores.
Genetic reasons : Almost 40% of patients have a genetic history of DPN.
Fairness creams : Creams that lighten your skin tone also react on your skin.
Potential cost for Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) treatment
The cost of dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) removal can vary depending on several factors such as the number of lesions and the specific treatment method chosen.
Our Other Dermatology Services

- Mole Removal
- Dermatofibroma
- Keloid Treatment
- Skin Tag Removal
- Dark Spot Lightening
- Adult Acne Treatment
- Actinic Keratosis (AKs)
- Corporate Health Fairs
- Sebaceous Hyperplasia
- Xanthalasma Treatment
- Hair Thinning Treatment
- Cherry Angiomas Removal
- Seborrheic Keratosis Removal
- Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) Removal

Treatment for Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra is not harmless, and generally, treatment is not required, but it’s a sensitive issue that no one should ignore. Our skin gets scars with time due to DPN. These scars do not look good. It also becomes problematic with time to remove scars. Many individuals want to remove DPN for cosmetic reasons, which becomes itchy. There are two significant ways to treat DPN: surgery and laser treatments.
Laser treatment: Several types of laser therapies can be used to remove DPN growths. These therapies use different frequencies and levels of light to remove bumps on your skin. Here are some laser treatment options for you to consider:
PDL Laser: “PDL” stands for Pulsed Dye Laser, a type of laser commonly used in dermatology for various skin conditions. The pulse dye laser is one of the safest methods to remove DPN. The laser releases a concentrated beam of light at a specific wavelength, primarily targeting hemoglobin, the pigment in blood vessels.
Carbon-dioxide Laser: Carbon-dioxide Laser is an effective option to remove DPN growths. The CO2 laser emits light in the infrared spectrum, and water can absorb its energy in the skin cells.
Surgical Removal: Skin care experts apply topical anesthesia and remove DPN surgically. Surgical methods are Curettage, Electrocautery, and Electrocautery.
Curettage: Curettage is a medical procedure that involves the use of a curette, a spoon-shaped.
Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy is a medical procedure that involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze off the bumps and then remove them.
Electrocautery: Cryotherapy is a medical procedure that involves burning bumps with an electric current.
At MSS, we provide dermatology services throughout the entire Phoenix area.
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Your Nurse Practitioner
Angela Quinn, NP-C, is a nationally certified nurse practitioner with a specialization in dermatology since 2012. She obtained her master’s degree in nursing from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, in December 2011. Following the completion of her advanced degree, Angela commenced her career as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) after receiving a six-month apprenticeship in dermatology under the guidance of a board-certified dermatologist and Mohs surgeon. This pivotal experience ultimately led her to assume a significant role in his second dermatology office.
As a dermatology Nurse Practitioner (NP), Angela has provided care to underserved populations, active duty military personnel, veterans, their dependents, and corporate employees. She has gained experience in diverse healthcare settings, including private practices, a military hospital, a hospital clinic, independent senior living communities, private homes, workplaces, and health fairs.
Angela established Mobile Dermatology to provide thorough, affordable, and comfortable skin cancer screenings in the convenience of your own home. We also offer cost-effective solutions for dermatological services like skin tag removal and multiple actinic keratoses treatments which are typically not covered by insurance.
We’re here to all your questions
Here are a few frequently asked questions from people who want to have DPN treatment. If you have any other queries, please send them to us.
It ultimately depends upon the treatment method you choose for your DPN removal.
The removal method may cause slight scarring or no scar after removal. DPN removal is a permanent solution.
The cost of dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN) removal can vary depending on several factors, such as the number of lesions and the specific treatment method chosen. Usually, it costs between $60 to $100.
Liquid nitrogen and AHAs such as glycolic and lactic acid help naturally eliminate DPN.
Snipping, light curettage, and light electrodesiccation are effective methods to treat dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN).