Affordable Xanthelasma Removal treatment in Phoenix at your own home!
Why choose us?
- We serve the entire Phoenix Metro area.
- Fast and painless treatment of Xanthalasma.
- Incredibly affordable prices.
- We come to you.
- Treatment performed by a licensed nurse practitioner.
- Save even more money by treating multiple friends and family.
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What Is Xanthelasma ?
Xanthelasma are benign, yellow, cholesterol deposits that appear on the inside corners of the eye. Sometimes xanthelasma is a sign of an underlying condition such as elevated cholesterol or diabetes; however, most cases of xanthelasma are either hereditary or idiopathic (unknown reason). Xanthelasmas are more common in middle age; however, young people can develop them as well. Depending on your health insurance, Xanthelasma treatment may be considered cosmetic which is not covered by insurance.

Xanthelasma Treatment Services