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Skin Cancer: Reasons, Symptoms, and treatment in Phoenix Area, Arizona

Skin Cancer Symptoms and Treatments

Skin cancer is formed in the skin cells. The skin is the body’s largest organ and is composed of different layers.

It can occur when the DNA in skin cells is damaged, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and the formation of a tumor. 

There are numerous types of skin cancer, but the three most common are;

  • Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
  • Melanoma

Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)

Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. It usually develops in areas of the skin that are frequently exposed to the sun, such as the face and neck. 

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

SCC is the second most common type of skin cancer. It also typically occurs in sun-exposed areas and may appear as a red, firm bump, a scaly patch, or an ulcer that doesn’t heal. 


Melanoma is less common than BCC and SCC, but it is more aggressive and has a higher risk of spreading to other parts of the body. 

Melanoma often develops in moles or appears as a new, unusual growth. It can be uneven coloring and may change in size or shape. 

Early detection and treatment are crucial for melanoma.

At MSS we provide skin screening services to individuals and corporations as well. We come to your place and provide skin screening services in the comfort of your home.

Primary cause of skin cancer

The primary cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun which can damage the DNA in skin cells. 

Prevention from skin cancer

We should ensure sun safety by following measures such as;

  • Using sunscreen
  • Wearing protective clothing
  • Avoiding excessive sun exposure.
  • Regular skin examinations and prompt solutions are also essential for the early detection and treatment of skin cancer.


 Symptoms of skin cancer 

  • Shape or Size is different from other moles
  • Melanomas often have uneven coloring. They may include various shades of brown, black, or even red. 
  • Melanomas are often larger than the size of a pencil eraser (about 6mm or 1/4 inch)
  • Changes in melanoma size, especially an increase is alarming and should be monitored.

Treatment for Skin Cancer

The treatment for skin cancer depends on the type of skin cancer, its size, and location. Here are common treatment options;

Surgical methods


In this method, the cancerous tissue is surgically removed along with a margin of healthy skin.

Mohs surgery

In this method, dermatology experts remove thin layers of skin. Then they examine each skin layer under a microscope until no cancer cells are detected.


In this technique, the tumor is scraped off with a curette, and the area is then treated with an electric current to destroy the remaining cancer cells.

Radiation Therapy

In this method, High-energy beams are used to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy is often used to get rid of tumors.

Topical Treatments


The cancerous tissue is frozen by using liquid nitrogen and the peel off 


Chemotherapy is used for other cancer types but is less likely for skin cancer only in certain cases. 

Early detection and treatment are significant, so individuals with any suspicious skin changes should seek medical treatment immediately. At MSS, we offer dermatology services in the comfort of your home. We also visit organizations for skin cancer screening. Various Treatment methods are also available at Mobile Skin Screening.

so the method you choose completely depends upon the dermatology expert’s recommendation by considering your cancer type and level.


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